Thank you for choosing Inverse Consulting℠ services

Welcome to Inverse Consulting℠ services, through which you can imagine receiving all the benefits of working with an actual coach—boosted morale, workflow enhancements, uplifting insights, accountable encouragement—without the commitments of time and energy required for the real thing! (Not to mention at a fraction of the cost.)

Visualize your client roster as it blossoms with eager new prospects throwing their business at you with wild abandon. Feel your business coffers swell with unprecedented amounts of revenue, all from invoices billed at rates you truly deserve to receive, paid mere moments after they reach their destinations. Watch your your life transform from a meager workplace existence to a triumph, complete with profiles in local and national media. Plan the TED talk you’ll give in a year’s time, articulating the unique attributes and efforts that underlie your meteoric rise as an object lesson for frustrated entrepreneurs who contemplate their shriveled lives. Go a step further and sketch out the plans for a consulting business of your very own, attracting eager pupils to bask in the glory of your success and learn from the inspiration it provides.

Don’t get carried away. Oh, sure, you may achieve all those things some day, but we assure you that Inverse Consulting℠ services will have nothing to do with it, other than to have offered you a pleasant diversion from the daily grind.

Meanwhile, we have received your Inverse Consulting℠ service order and will begin processing it immediately. Because of the customized nature of the Inverse Consulting℠ service-package documentation, please expect to receive your materials in 4 to 6 weeks.