Choose the Professional Worrying℠ service package that suits your needs.
Timed Services
As a Professional Worrying℠ service client, you can specify Timed Services that coincide with the date of a specific major event in your life. For example, some clients opt for short-term service packages to support them through new-business presentations or other meetings, as well as for personal events such as marriage proposals or favorite sports teams’ latest chances to vanquish long-standing rivals. Simply tell us when your event occurs, set up your Professional Worrying℠ services to cover the time interval in question, and relax.
Event-Based Services
Like Timed Services, Event-Based Professional Worrying℠ services match up with specific significant life events, but without the need to specify the date of the occasion. Use this option to cover an expected future event that may occur at any time, eliminating the worry associated with pinpointing the timing.
Random Worry
In addition to timed and event-based Professional Worrying℠ services that match up with life’s milestones, you also can choose Random Worry as your service mode. Your Professional Worrying℠ service counselor will spend the amount of time you specify applying his or her attention to your worries, but the worrying sessions will occur at times chosen by the professional. This service package makes an excellent choice when you know what will worry you but can’t predict when the need will occur. Consider Random Worry the equivalent of a preventive vaccine that you take in advance.
Professional Worrying℠ Timed Services and Random Worry are available for periods of up to 1 week’s duration. For longer service durations, please contact us for a specialized price quotation.
Professional Worrying℠ Service Packages: Documentation
- Certification of Professional Worrying℠ services
As a Professional Worrying℠ service client, you receive a personalized official certificate that documents your concerns and the attention you have received from one of our service counselors. You’ll be proud to display this handsome, impressive document on your wall, showing the world your commitment to your professional advancement, successful or not! It attests to your balanced approach to bypassing the concerns that drive entrepreneurial life. This certificate is signed by the officers of Successproof Your Life, and embossed with the official seal of our Professional Worrying℠ service division. Enclosed in a deluxe black presentation folder with gold foil identification.
- Professional Worrying℠ Talisman Card
Your Professional Worrying℠ service documentation package includes an official wallet-sized Talisman Card that you can take to your office, leave at home, or carry with you. No need to touch or hold the card once you stow it away in a drawer or tuck it into your wallet. The Talisman Card does its best work when you pay as little direct attention to it as possible. The simple act of owning the card does the trick of transferring and minimizing your worries. For maximum effect, place it as close as possible to items that represent your identity. Credit-card sized and enclosed in a deluxe presentation envelope.
- Official Guide to Professional Worrying℠ Services
To make the best use of your Professional Worrying℠ services, you receive an official guidebook that distills our best practices into succinct advice, including insider tips from members of our exclusive roster of Professional Worrying℠ service counselors. These exclusive hints help you get the maximum benefit out of our service. A special section on setting goals and keeping promises to yourself offers you new worry-free ways to become your very best friend, complete with practical tips you can implement immediately. Get ready to astound friends and colleagues with your balanced approach to life. This 12-page booklet comes in its own personalized envelope.
- Official Professional Worrying℠ Service Counselor Profile
Although our Professional Worrying℠ service counselors and their clients never meet, we’ll send you an official profile of one of our experts. We can’t confirm that this Professional Worrying℠ service counselor will be assigned to your case, but you can use this full-color profile to help acclimate yourself to receiving our services, and to learn more about the rare combination of talents and experience required to undertake these critical responsibilities.
Ready to sign up?
Please complete this form to obtain Professional Worrying℠ service through Successproof Your Life. An asterisk follows the name of each required field. (Just FYI: We’re not actually taking orders right now, but you’re welcome to look through the options on our form. If you’d like to get on our mailing list, please